St. Elizabeth Physicians dermatologists perform photofacials with an intense pulsed light (IPL) device. A photofacial is an elective cosmetic procedure that results in a smoother, tighter complexion.
You may consider a photofacial if you have:

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For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call (859) 371-3376.
Photofacial Treatments
At St. Elizabeth Physicians Dermatology, we perform photofacials using an intense pulsed light (IPL) device.
The IPL device can be turned up or down to meet your needs and desires. More intense treatments will make your skin red for a few days after the procedure. Most patients experience minimal side effects and discomfort.
You’ll need to undergo a series of photofacial treatments for best results. This can take several weeks or months to complete.
Photofacial Results
Results include decreased brown spots, redness and pore size. Your skin will be smoother and tighter. Patients who combine photofacials with a good skin care regimen experience the best results.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Ready to learn more about photofacials at St. Elizabeth Physicians Dermatology? Call
(859) 371-3376 to schedule a consultation with one of our providers.