Offering common-sense lifestyle changes and pelvic floor strengthening, helped women like Ann Stanchina get back to their golf games and other activities without the worries of urinary urgency and incontinence.
Donna Stegman couldn’t believe that by exhaling when she stood up, she could correct her chronic urine leakage. In just three visits with a pelvic floor physical therapist, she has learned techniques to resolve her problem with urinary incontinence.
Please call us to schedule an appointment at (859) 757-2132.
Kathy Dickerson
Kathy didn’t want frequent trips to the bathroom to slow her down. Read about how she battled incontinence, and won, with a little help from Dr. Susan Oakley and a little device called InterStim.
Bonnie Dodd was struggling with a problem many women face as they age. Frequent trips to the bathroom keeping her from enjoying her favorite activities. Read how a simple procedure helped change Bonnie’s life.
Marilyn Smith spent more than seven years dealing with the frustration, worry and embarrassment that can come with urinary incontinence. She was finally fed up and went in search of a solution.