Bonnie Dodd
A Life Changing Procedure
Bonnie Dodd loves to get out and about. A member of a Red Hat group, she and her friends love to travel, from short trips on weekends to week-long cruises. Over the past 10 years, she was enjoying her favorite things less and less because of a common problem that many women face: incontinence.
“I was that woman you see in the commercial,” she admits. “I would go to the bathroom before I left the house and then immediately look to find a bathroom once I got to wherever I was going. I’d go again before I left, and again as soon as I got home. It got to the point where I couldn’t go all the places I wanted.”
That all started to change after an appointment with Dr. Susan Oakley, Urogynecologist at St. Elizabeth Physicians.
“Bonnie was dealing with a problem that many women deal with as they age,” says Dr. Oakley. “But, just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal. There are a lot of therapies available today that can help address incontinence so women can do the things they want.
“The first step is coming in and talking with us to find a treatment that will work,” she continues.

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(859) 757-2132.
Treatment that Starts with a Conversation
For Bonnie, her road to what she calls a “life-changing procedure” started in Dr. Oakley’s office at her first appointment.
“Dr. Oakley really is one in a million,” Bonnie says. “She makes you feel comfortable and explains things in terms that anyone can understand. Talking to her was not like talking to a doctor. She helped me understand what was happening and what options may work for me.”
Dr. Oakley explained each of the therapies available that can help women manage incontinence:
- Medication
- Pelvic floor therapy
- An implantable device that helps regulate urges
- Weekly, in-office external nerve therapy that helps regulate urges
- Botox injections to help the bladder relax
Bonnie decided she wanted to try the InterStim device, which is placed into the buttocks through a small incision during a minimally-invasive procedure. It helps address incontinence caused by overactive bladder (OAB) by helping regulate the nerve signals between the brain and the bladder. Those signals help reduce feelings of urgency – the feeling that you need to use the restroom.
“People are often surprised to hear that InterStim has been around for 20 years,” says Brian Brooks, a senior sales representative at Medtronic, the company that manufactures the device. “It’s continued to get better and better each year. The device is smaller, and the battery lasts longer than ever before.”
An Immediate Impact
Bonnie was able to trial the InterStim device for two weeks before her surgery, to be sure it would work for her. The trial doesn’t require surgery – just an in-office or outpatient procedure at the hospital where Dr. Oakley inserts wires into the tailbone. Bonnie’s trial was a success, so she scheduled her surgery.
The minimally invasive, outpatient procedure takes approximately one to one and a half hours. In fact, Bonnie was able to enjoy lunch with friends after her surgery.
“By the time I walked out of the hospital and went to the restaurant, it was not even a half hour. And I was very comfortable,” Bonnie says.
It didn’t take long for Bonnie to experience the impact of the device, either.
“It completely changed my life,” she says. “I can go out with my friends. I travel again. I’ve gone back to work. I just don’t have to worry about when or where I’ll need to go to the bathroom.
“I have a boyfriend,” she continues. “I don’t have to worry about having an accident or being embarrassed. We can go places again and enjoy each other’s company.”
Addressing Incontinence
If you or someone you know is experiencing incontinence, contact Dr. Susan Oakley today to learn more about what therapies and treatment could help you.
“It can be hard to come in and talk about this,” Dr. Oakley says. “Some women are embarrassed by this. We just want people to come in here and talk with us. We’re here to help women figure out what’s causing their issues and how we can effectively treat it.”
“I’ve been telling all my friends about this device,” Bonnie shares. “They’ve noticed a difference in how many times I go to the bathroom, or how many more times they go than me. I tell them, ‘Go see Dr. Oakley.’ I just can’t say it enough – You are wasting time if you don’t have this done.”
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Oakley or another St. Elizabeth Urogynecologist, call (859) 757-2132.