Right Here…

but currently updating content for St. Elizabeth Healthcare at stelizabeth.com.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we work on a website update to improve your experience online. In the meantime, please call the numbers below if you need immediate assistance. To search St. Elizabeth Physicians providers, click here for Find a Doctor and to see a listing of all St. Elizabeth locations click here.

9-1-1 for

Nurse Now Helpline:

888-4STE-NOW (888-478-3669)

Urgent Care Locations

(859) 903-0268

(859) 647-2900

(812) 496-3285

Highland Heights
(859) 757-0434

Newport/Ft. Thomas
(859) 905-3070


Covington emergency department
(859) 655-4353

Dearborn emergency department
(812) 496-7500

Edgewood emergency department
(859) 301-2250

Florence emergency department
(859) 212-5441

Ft. Thomas emergency department
(859) 572-3618

Grant emergency department
(859) 824-8114